Early Treatment
Timing is everything! And for early treatment it is all about “Prevention”. Why spend years trying to straighten your fully developed teeth when you can ensure they grow straight naturally from an early age as you develop? Early Treatment is performed while baby teeth are still present.

Early treatment can be in a patient’s best interests if their problem is one that could become more serious over time if left untreated. The goal of early treatment is to intercept the developing problem, eliminate the cause, guide the growth of facial and jaw bones, and provide adequate space for incoming permanent teeth. Not all patients need or require early treatment but those that do can benefit greatly as they grow and develop into an adult.
Crooked teeth and bad jaw problems are often found in children between the ages of 5 to 15. If you correct these problems before they have the chance to damage your child’s teeth, they might even skip the need of using braces as teenagers or adults.
It is a common misconception that all crooked teeth are caused by hereditary factors. Modern research suggests otherwise. Crooked teeth and poor jaw development are often caused by factors like:
- Thumb sucking
- Breathing through the mouth
- Tongue thrusting
- Open mouth
- Reverse swallowing
- Allergies
- Asthma
MYOBRACE is a preventive pre-braces treatment that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth, often without the need for braces, allowing for natural growth and development. Treatment is administered during the child’s formative years. And the earlier the better. Traditional braces aren’t recommended for young children (before age 7) because their developing teeth are fragile and can’t handle the treatment. Myobrace is specifically designed to ensure your child’s teeth and jaw develop properly.
Dr. Carbonero is experienced and has strong knowledge of how to identify if a child (does or doesn’t) need early treatment. If your child is between the ages of 3-6 years old and you would like to have Dr. Carbonero provide a complimentary evaluation of your child, simply click on the button below to request a complimentary consultation with her now.